LSA strives to provide a safe environment for its scouts

Health & Safety

As Scouts, we must be prepared for every situation. Please become familiar with this information in order to know how to react in any situation.

Individual Health and Safety

Your health and wellness are the most important part of IKAMU 2023. Please speak with your troop leader or sub camps leaders if you ever feel that you are sick or unwell. Let us make sure we take care of each other and ourselves.

Illness or Injury

There is a Red Cross team available during all days of IKAMU 2023.

If you feel sick or unwell, or become injured, talk to your troop leader or sub camps leaders.

In severe medical emergencies, do not move injured persons and provide as much information as possible to your sub camp leader.

If you feel having high temperature or any COVID-related symptoms, directly put your mask and inform you sub camp leader.


Water is the most important health and safety tool you have. It may be warm at IKAMU 2023, and you will be active every day. Keep a water bottle with you at all times. Drinking water is available all the time at IKAMU 2023 but get your own bottle to fill it.

Severe Heat

GC will be using a system of colored codes to warn Scouts of dangerous heat:

  • GREEN CODE: Temperature 27–29 C: drink 1/4 to 1/2 liter of water per hour.
  • YELLOW CODE: Temperature 29–31 C: drink 1/2 to 3/4 liter of water per hour.
  • RED CODE: Temperature 31–32 C: drink 3/4 to 1 liter of water per hour.
  • BLACK CODE: Temperature greater than 32 C: drink 1 to 1&1/4 liter per hour.

Announcements will be made when Red or Black flag temperatures are reached, and some programs may be delayed or stopped.

Sun Protection

Serious sunburn can make you very sick and cause permanent skin damage.

Remember that you will be exposed to the sun for 10 or more hours each day.

Waterproof sports-type silicone-based sunscreen with SPF 30 is the best. Cover all sensitive areas such as your nose, lips, face, ears, neck, backs of knees, arms, and any other areas not protected by your clothing. Take care of your patrol and friends; make sure you stay safe from the sun. Hats and sunglasses are good, but are not enough alone.

Personal Hygiene

Scouting is also about exploring, which means you may not stay clean for long. However, good hygiene is more than just looking neat and clean. Good hygiene practices can reduce the spread of disease.

Hand Washing

Wash your hands often. Most diseases are spread by touching dirty hands to food, cuts, eyes, nose, and/or mouth. This is especially important if you are cooking for your patrol or unit. Hands should be washed:

  • Before food preparation and meals
  • After using the toilet
  • After contact with a person who is not feeling well
  • When hands are obviously dirty
  • Before and after changing a bandage on yourself or someone else

Hand sanitizer is a great short-term option but is not a replacement for soap and water. Keeping your hands clean will help keep you and those around you healthy!


Shower often! Take a shower at least once each day and change into clean, dry clothes.

Remember, cotton clothing dries very slowly in humid climates.

Non-cotton fabrics are preferable.

Showers also give you a chance to examine yourself for signs of injury, rash, or insect bites.

Use plenty of soap!

Foot Care

Because walking is the main means of transportation at the Jamboree site, it is important to take care of your feet. Here are some pieces of advice to prevent foot problems:

  • Make sure that you have the proper footwear. New shoes that are not broken in should not be worn.
  • Do not wear socks that are too tight, have holes, are dirty, or are wrinkled.
  • At the first sign of a blister or cut, your unit leader should be consulted.
  • Clean your feet daily, dry them thoroughly between the toes, and keep toenails trimmed straight across. Cover tender spots with adhesive or other dressings, and use foot powder.

Shoes should be worn at all times, except when in tents.

Rest and Sleep

It is very important that you sleep well during sleeping hours to stay healthy and energized. Be your best self, and get good rest!

Eating Well

You will have lots of healthy food, which will keep you healthy and active. Don’t miss any meal.